Born in 1917 in Fargo, North Dakota, Marie attended North Dakota State University where she was a member of Zeta Iota Chapter and where she graduated in 1939 with a degree in Home Economics. Marie was a devoted volunteer for the American Red Cross for more than 60 years.
During World War II, Marie was sent by the Red Cross to Hawaii to work in hospital recreation. There, she met her husband, Russell Park Jones, a physicist and Air Force career officer. After working for four years in Hawaii, she moved with her husband's career but continued her work with the Red Cross - this time as a volunteer - in Alabama, Massachusetts, Virginia, California, Washington, and Texas. After her husband's death in 1973, Marie returned to her hometown of Fargo, where she volunteered with the Altrusa Club and was instrumental in the development of the local Trollwood Park. Marie returned to Red Cross volunteer service in 1987 when she moved to Everett, Washington, helping in the Red Cross tracing and messaging office at Everett Naval Station. In 2003, Marie was formally recognized by the American Red Cross for her more than 60 years of service.
Marie did not neglect Phi Mu among her service activities. She was the Fraternity Education Director and Chairman of the National Citizenship Committee in 1961 and was a member of the National Council from 1962-1966 as Member-at-Large (1962-64) and then Extension Director (1964-66). Working with the Phi Mu Foundation, Marie served as chairman of the Scholarships and Grants Committee and Secretary of the Board of Trustees (1964-66). After moving to Washington, Marie was an active member of the Seattle Area Alumnae Association until her death in 2006.